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Cellular drainage and the importance of good hormonal synchronization.

Cellular drainage is a name that I have given to the best method of rejuvenation in elderly people and consists of the following steps, where viruses have a lot to do with it.

Often as we age, cells lose oxygen and gain excess proteins, fats and heavy minerals, which the body is not able to metabolize well. And why is this? This may be due to the fact that the cells swell more than normal and take in few gases per gene, due to the genetic and atmospheric configuration.

Cells and our brain have the ability to repair sequences, DNA or chromosomes, that were damaged by viruses and thanks to this, cells can absorb hormones that are scarce in some seasons or even days of the year and that activate genes, to metabolize molecules that go down, the inflammatory effects of the cells.

Certain hormones activate some genes and other hormones activate other types of genes and some genes, absorb specific gases, which reduce the lymphatic metabolism or of inflamed cells or large molecular proportions and physical relief is produced. It must be taken into account that other hormones also activate genes that feed the cells with food and increase their lymphatic proportion, which can greatly inflame the cells or create giant cells in their atmospheric radiation, which is why it is important to correct DNA sequences in cells such as neurons.

After draining, lowering inflammation, the cells cause the release of minerals into the soil, creating a soil growth effect that creates seismic activity. It could be said that summer reduces seismic activity, due to lack of water and hormones.

This effect of hormones can vary in seasons, since in winter the atmosphere is richer in gases and water, for genes, than in summer, which is why some hormones in summer are scarce in the body and it could be said that the Causes may be: lack of enriched water in the atmosphere that helps the formation of hormones so that it dissolves.