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Cell life, wind and storms, how to avoid it.

When the atmosphere cools or heats, the cell or body temperature that also cools or heats, just a few degrees difference, can cause hot spots or contrasts in the atmosphere that cause wind or storms, due to the thermal differences between cells. and atmosphere.

It can be said that cells cool when nourished by water and heat when nourished by gases, just a few degrees of difference. A contrast is when the cells are fed with gases in low pressures or storms. This thermal contrast of atmospheric cold and cellular heat is what causes wind and storms and when cells are nourished by water in anticyclones or high pressures, the thermal contrast of cold cells and hot atmosphere is what causes wind and storms. Of summer.


It should also be said that a lot of wind can cause a thermal change in the atmosphere, from cold to hot at low pressures or from hot to cold at high pressures.

To avoid wind and storms, a percentage, cells and mood can influence cell temperature so that it does not create large thermal contrasts with the atmosphere.