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Cellular radiation on planet Earth.

Entry updated on 6/23/2023 at 22:23 Spanish time.

Cellular or life radiation is part of the earth and hides all the most hidden secrets of metaphysics. The molecular nutrition of all living beings builds the tree of life, leaving its mark on the planet, at the rate that we are changing.

DNA or chromosomes have mutation properties, with substances or viruses, sometimes for the worse and sometimes for the better. These changes created by substances or viruses, are noticeable on earth, with its atmospheric changes, for example, the most notable. It can be said that the cells have the ability to change atmospheric pressure, causing rain at low pressure (squall) or sunny days at high pressure (anticyclones).

Atmospheric pressure creates anticyclones and storms and in storms the cells are mostly more inflamed and an excess can cause tumors and in anticyclones the cells are less inflamed and an excess can kill cells. Substances can influence this phenomenon, but we are also surrounded by biodiversity, which surrounds us and forces us to adapt on a daily basis.